Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Zuri and William this morning. :o)

Tonight at Uncle Jon's and Aunt Amanda's. 

Our Leap Day Frog. 
Little Miss Pinkie Pie. 
Michael Myers a/k/a Uncle Jon and William. 
All the cousins. Zuri, Claire, Jack, and William. 

We hope you all had a safe and happy Halloween!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Family Time

I wish I woke up this happy!  This was Friday ~ I'd say that's why he's so happy, but he is just always happy!

Zuri spent the night with Claire. After we picked her up and had lunch, we went to church for the Family Fall Fun Fest. We didn't bring her pumpkin, but thankfully Uncle Eric and Aunt Karen had one and brought it to us!  They walked around with us for a bit. 

Saturday night, Zuri and I went to the horse tracks with Eric, Karen, Julie, Tony, and Breeanna. We had lots of fun!

Today, I was picking up stuff in Zuri's room and decided to get her first Halloween costume. Here's a side by side of Zuri and William in the costume. 

William enjoyed playing with his chunky monkey this morning. I think that's a wrestling move on the right? Ha!

Just horsin' around. 

Zuri had breakfast with Eric and Karen. They brought her back with a toy!  She's not spoiled or anything...

I took the kids to Julie's today to see Nick, Nikki, Eli, and Emersyn. The three of them played on their iPads for a bit when we first arrived. Brent says that's the 2016 version of playing together. Ha!

After getting home, Zuri told me to rest and told me she would fold the clothes. I told her we could both do it. She insisted she do it!

Stay tuned for a Halloween post!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

William is 8 Months!

I can't believe our baby boy is 8 months old. I know time flies....I know this. BUT.....seriously, 8 months??  He's such a cutie!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Third Tooth Fairy Visit

Zuri lost her 3rd tooth today at school!  It was her top right front tooth. When the Tooth Fairy arrived, she noticed Zuri sleeping with her arms under the pillow. Upon closer inspection, she noticed Zuri holding on to the bag with the tooth.  After evidencing this with photographs, the Tooth Fairy successfully took the bag and left $2.00. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weekend Recap

Friday night, Brent and I attended his company's annual safety dinner. Emma watched the kids. :o)

Saturday morning, after hearing me talk about a coworker having had her baby, Zuri wrapped William up like a baby. 

Zuri went with me to the dentist. Dana let her play dentist and check my teeth. Zuri said I have a sugar bug from eating Reece's Pieces. Ha! P.S. My checkup was good. No cavities a/k/a sugar bugs. 

We had a bonfire at Uncle Gary's Saturday night. 

Doesn't he look cute in his hat?!
Papaw John and William. 
Zuri enjoyed the bonfire. :o)
She didn't cook her hot dogs much.....if at all!
She made this plate for me. It was her s'mores special. 

William and I hung out by ourselves for a bit this morning. 

Zuri went to the mall with Aunt Julie. A trip to Build-A-Bear later....
Julie said she had to get a monkey for the Chunky Monkey. :o)
I love the look William is giving Zuri!

Uncle Eric and Aunt Karen stopped by tonight. William was laughing at Zuri swinging. Here are links to a couple videos. It was cute!

Our neighbors let us borrow their fire pit. Zuri was excited to make s'mores again. 

Looks like we may be buying our own fire pit soon. Zuri loved it!