Thursday, December 29, 2016

William is 10 Months!

He is ALL OVER the place!  He doesn't want to sit still for anything!!!

Mini Vacation!

We went to French Lick to Big Splash Adventure the 3 days after Christmas.  It's an indoor water park.  This was William's first trip and he did a lot better than I thought he would. :o)  It took a little bit to get him to bed, but then he slept all night like normal.  Zuri had a blast at the water park.  She's our little water bug.

Before we came home, we went to West Baden Springs Hotel because Zuri thought it was fancy.  We walked in and walked around a bit.  She decided it was boring and we would NOT be going back.  HA!

Monday, December 26, 2016


We had several Christmas gatherings to attend.  :o)

We celebrated with the Gill Family on December 10th.

Aunt Karen's Family on December 17th:

Grandma Newbold on December 22nd:

Schulz Family on December 24th:

Gonazalez Family on December 24th:

Then.........THE BIG DAY!!!!

Author (our Elf) left Zuri a note and a gift to open before we went into the living room to see what Santa left.
This was the face she made when I said we needed to wait a little longer for William to wake up.  HA!  We ended up waking him up.  :o)
Kiddos with their stockings!
Isn't he just too cute?
Zuri too! 
Cutie pie!
Aunt Julie, Aunt Junie, and Papaw John all stopped by.

Zuri got her Hatchimal!

We went to Grandma Jan's later in the afternoon.  Here's Papaw John with Justice and William.  :o)

We had a great Christmas and hope everyone else did too!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Star of the Month!!

Zuri was given the Star of the Month award at chapel today.  We are so very proud of her!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

William's Surgery

William had surgery today to put tubes in his ears.  He was very fussy.  He's almost never fussy so it was hard on us to see him like this.  His ears were hurting him and his two front top teeth are coming in so he was just all around mad.  Once nurse came in and did a fantastic job of soothing him.  She even got a little smile!  Surgery took less than 5 minutes.  He was fussy coming out from the anesthesia, but he was okay.  We hung out at home the rest of the day.

He was very happy to be able to eat!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

William's 9 Month Well Visit

Today was William's 9 month checkup. Doctor is all around pleased!  He is 30.5" tall and weighs 25lb 15oz.  That's the 99th percentile for both (head too)!

He loved getting measured. :o)

Look at those rolls. So cute!!
He loves playing with the paper on the table. Ha!

Our little boy is growing up!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Breakfast With Santa

We had our annual Breakfast with Santa today. Aunt Junie's employer, Wessler Engineering, always does a fantastic job with this event. 

While we ate, Santa came in and visited every table. William was fascinated by him!

After Santa was done at every table, he sat in his chair and the children got to sit on his lap and tell him their Christmas wish.  Zuri was first in line!  

After every kid has had a chance to talk to Santa, he passes out gifts. William zonked after sitting on Santa's lap, but woke up in time to open his gift.
Zuri loved her gift!  
William loved his gift too!
Zayne wanted to check it out.

There was a photo booth again this year. Of course, we had to take a few pictures!
We took some pictures before Santa arrived...

And after he left....
William kept pulling Zuri's hair. Aunt Junie thought it was funny. :o)