Friday, December 2, 2016


In Zuri's class, there is a 5 color system for behavior.  Red, yellow, green, orange, purple. You start on green and can clip up or down, depending on your behavior during the day. School started in August and we have had more yellow and red days than anything else. Yellow and red days means Zuri brings home a stoplight paper for me or Brent to sign. We have had a deal since the first day of school that when she gets 5 days in a row of green or better, she gets a baby alive doll. Well, guess what!  She had green or better last Monday and Tuesday and then Monday through Wednesday this week. We made good on our promise and bought the baby alive doll Wednesday night. Guess who got on orange yesterday....Zuri!  Now, the best part......guess who got on PURPLE today!!!  That's right, Zuri did!!!!

I brought her home a cake pop for doing a great job!  We also used her Book-It coupon to get her a pizza for dinner. When we got home, we all ate in the living room and watched TV. 


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