Sunday, June 26, 2016

I Wear Pearl For Butch

My Facebook post from June 17:

These pictures are of my Uncle Butch. They all have been taken since his lung cancer diagnosis on February 13th this year. Initially, cancer was contained to his lungs. PET scan confirmed that back in February. In the past 4 months, he has had tumors appear on his colon and a spot on his hip.  He has had 2 brain MRIs to confirm it had not spread to his brain - last one was about 6 weeks ago and was clear.  He's been having neck pain and lost the use of his right arm and leg. Dr. Siddiqui, his chemo oncologist, ordered another full body PET scan and brain MRI because he believed the issue was from the cancer spreading to the neck. Those tests were scheduled for yesterday, but Butch was so weak, he couldn't make it.  An ambulance ended up getting him and taking him to the ER. They did the brain MRI (PET scan machine was down) and I presume a CT scan of the neck.  They admitted him to the hospital. 

Results: tumor on the neck, tumors on the brain with bleeding. Swelling in the brain too. As you can imagine, this was a hard pill to swallow for us yesterday. How could it spread so quickly?  

Plan:  Dr. Ross, the radiation oncologist, sent Butch to the cancer center yesterday to get a mold of his neck so radiation can begin Monday.  Hopefully radiation shrinks the neck tumor and Butch regains use of his arm and leg. Steroids will be given to decrease the swelling in the brain (can't do anything with the brain until swelling is down). Once neck radiation is done, they will tackle the brain tumors.

Butch is tired and in pain. The family, we are also tired and in pain (emotionally). We are all trying to stay positive and upbeat, but it is difficult.  I do not like seeing my uncle so weak. I'm used to him having meat on his bones and being strong and able-bodied.  To see him this way sucks. There's no other way to put it.

I'm glad I was able to take William to visit this past Sunday. Seeing Butch light up while cuddling with William brought tears to my eyes.

Butch's medical team is great. Drs. Siddiqui and Ross are phenomenal. They don't beat around the bush, which is what Butch wants and what we want. Just give it to us straight - no sugar coating. 

Please keep him and our entire family in your thoughts and prayers. 


My Facebook post from June 25:

Uncle Butch decided he wanted to go home so we took him home today. You could tell he was happy to be home. His demeanor changed significantly after leaving the rehab center.  He enjoyed seeing the garden and sitting in his recliner.   

I took Zuri and William down to see Butch this afternoon.  I talked to his hospice nurse while he was there for the initial home visit. John is great. He is kind, caring, and direct. That's what I like; tell me straight up what's going on. 

Butch and William hung out for a bit and Zuri enjoyed playing with Samantha and Emily.

#cancersucks #iwearpearlforbutch #lungcancerawareness

I ordered these bracelets for our family and friends. 

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