Monday, July 11, 2016


Thursday morning, I was trying to get a picture with William looking at me. Zuri got fed up and said, "Just take the picture, mom!"  Ha!!

Brent sent me this while Zuri and I were at dinner Thursday. William loves baths!!

Saturday morning, Zuri FaceTimed with Aunt Karen and asked if she could spend the night. That was at 8:30 in the morning. Within 5 minutes of hanging up, Zuri had her bag packed!
My sweet babies. :o)

We went down to visit Uncle Butch. Butch tickled William's toes and made William smile.  That made Butch smile which made me smile!

Here's William with Papaw John. I think they like each other. Just a little. 

Sunday morning, Brent, William, and I met Eric, Karen, Trev, and Zuri for breakfast. 

Zuri loves Uncle Eric. 
William said he wanted some coffee. ;o)

Later Sunday, we had lunch at Tony's for Bree's 16th birthday celebration. William had his Popeye onesie on still and so we got a picture of the big Popeye (Eric's old nickname) and the little Popeye. ;o)
Zuri and Asher acted like puppies and kittens. Hahaha
Before leaving, Zuri asked me if she could stay with Tony. Forever. Not just for the night; she wanted to move in!  I told her to ask Tony. This was Tony saying, "Is that your puppy dog face?!"  Guess it wasn't convincing. LOL

I had a total case of the Mondays this morning. Looking at these two made my day better. Their smiles are contagious. I love the way they interact with each other. 

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