Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Zuri Reads...Part 2

Tonight, Zuri read the entire Senses booklet all by herself (I helped on a couple words). We are so proud of her!!


No Crying Over Spilled Milk!

On the way to school, Zuri was drinking her chocolate milk. At one of the stop lights, I heard Zuri gasp.  I asked what happened and she calmly said, "I spilled my milk."  I looked in the review mirror and it didn't seem to be much so I said no biggie and we will put water on it when we get to school. When we get to school and she gets out, I gasp. It was everywhere. On her brand new white shirt. Ahhhh. We had a spare shirt, thankfully. That problem was solved. Next problem, white shirt with chocolate milk having to sit all day before I can wash it. I stopped back by William's room and asked if there was any chance they could wash it. They said yes!!  When I picked the kids up, Ms. Tracy showed me the new and improved white shirt. She said she had to wash it a couple times, but finally got the stains out!  I love everyone at Greenwood Christian School!!

Check out the "damage."
Before and after of the front. 
Before and after of the back. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Zuri Reads!

Part of Zuri's homework tonight was reading about the 5 senses. I started to read it and she quickly took over. Brent and I were amazed at her reading ability (maybe this is normal, but this is big stuff to us!!). We had no idea!  She's our smart cookie. :o)

Check it out:


Playtime at the Park

Since it was such a nice day today, we went to the park when I got home from work. This was William's first time at a park. He enjoyed the swing!

He also enjoyed hanging with sissy.

Zuri went across the monkey bars (with help).

We took some family selfies. 

In this one, William is like, "What the heck are you doing?"

"Oh, a selfie?  Here's a smile."

William zonked while I was carrying him back to the car!  All that playing made him tired!

Sunday, August 21, 2016


At dinner tonight, Zuri went to the bathroom and when she came back, she called me over to a booth.  She wanted me to tell her what it said.  I told her to sound it out and after a few seconds, she said, "Bob?"  I told her she was correct and that I was very proud of her for sounding it out and figuring it out on her own!!!  Thanks for having your own booth, Bob.  ;o)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sloths, Skinks, and Dragons....Oh My!

Barn Hill Preserve visited Zuri's school yesterday. The kids were able to hold a few exotic animals. We got our pictures back today. :o)


Blue tongue skink. I had to google it this past weekend. Ha!

Bearded dragon....

She is fearless!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Children of Romania

Zuri's school's outreach program helps support Remember the Children (Romania). Today, I came home and Zuri had to show me her store. She had cups with pieces of gum. She asked me if I wanted to buy one for a dollar or something, just not more than $12. ;o)

I asked what she would do with the money and she directed me to her sign. The money will go to the children of Romania who don't have parents.

We told Zuri we are very proud of her for wanting to help other children.  Here is a picture of her with her store.

She recorded a video also. 

She's so sweet. Mommy and Daddy bought all three cups tonight for $1 each. :o)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Weekend Recap

Thursday night, William fell asleep while eating mashed potatoes again!  Brent and Zuri were next door swimming. :o)

Saturday morning, Zuri wanted me to make this toast from the book she checked out at the school library. She said it was delicious. 
We met Grandma and Papaw Schulz for lunch Saturday. Check out our little firefighters. 
When we got home, Brent and Zuri went to a pool party whole William and I hung out (it was close to William's bedtime). Look at his face. Is he not the cutest baby ever?!
And then there's his big sis. Beautiful. We will have our hands full. 

Drool, anyone?  This was after William's nap today. Haha!
I let Zuri climb in bed with him for a pic. So sweet!
We met Eric, Karen, and Trev our for lunch (breakfast for them!) for Trev's birthday. Zuri wouldn't let me get a good pic of her with him. She kept blocking him. lol

Back at it tomorrow. Zuri has a convocation at school tomorrow and will be able to hold a sloth, bearded dragon, and a blue tongued skink. Pics will be taken!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

On This Day....

The picture on the left was taken on this day in 2011.  Brent was holding Zuri up on our bed. I wanted to re-create it with William (right side). :o)

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday Funday

We started the morning early at 6am. I was sitting in the living room with William and Zuri joined us. I wanted to take a pic. Zuri had to fix her hair first. Here's the outcome. Not too bad for 6am!  
Zuri and Brent went to pick up breakfast so William and I hung out. He showed off his sweet sitting skills. ;o)
We went to church and then back home before Ainsley's and Camden's birthday party.

Zuri had fun with Raeleigh and Elyana. 
William also had fun. Brent walked around with him and William took a little cat nap. Here he was after he woke up!
Zuri and her party hat. :o)
Zuri and Raeleigh. They are too cute!!

We left the party around 6:15 because William goes to bed between 6:30 and 7. Back to school tomorrow so I made Zuri go to bed early. She didn't fight it!  The weekend's festivities finally caught up to Zuri.