Sunday, August 7, 2016


Friday night, Zuri set up a drive in for us to go to. We had to fly to Japan to go to it.  She had snacks and drinks for us to buy, but she didn't have ice cream, which is what I wanted!  I told her I'd be back and she insisted on getting it for me. I hesitated, but finally said okay. 
She did a fantastic job!  She didn't make a mess and she got me exactly what I wanted. She's such a big girl. I forget sometimes how smart and resourceful she is!

Saturday morning, we played a bit in the morning. William loves his new exersaucer. 
Loves go chew on it. Ha!
Papaw John stopped by.  William kept reaching for him. It was cute. :o)
Zuri and I played with Snapchat a bit.
Then we went swimming with Julie, Eric, and Karen. 

Saturday night was a Mommy/Daddy/Zuri night. See the next post for details and pics. 

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