Monday, December 26, 2016


We had several Christmas gatherings to attend.  :o)

We celebrated with the Gill Family on December 10th.

Aunt Karen's Family on December 17th:

Grandma Newbold on December 22nd:

Schulz Family on December 24th:

Gonazalez Family on December 24th:

Then.........THE BIG DAY!!!!

Author (our Elf) left Zuri a note and a gift to open before we went into the living room to see what Santa left.
This was the face she made when I said we needed to wait a little longer for William to wake up.  HA!  We ended up waking him up.  :o)
Kiddos with their stockings!
Isn't he just too cute?
Zuri too! 
Cutie pie!
Aunt Julie, Aunt Junie, and Papaw John all stopped by.

Zuri got her Hatchimal!

We went to Grandma Jan's later in the afternoon.  Here's Papaw John with Justice and William.  :o)

We had a great Christmas and hope everyone else did too!

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