Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Time For Your Checkup

The kids had their checkups today. Zuri's 6 year and William's 1 year.  Doctor McIntire was pleased with how both kids are developing all around.  Zuri didn't have any vaccinations today, but poor William had 4. He had 2 shots in each thigh and a finger prick to test his hemoglobin. His finger wouldn't stop bleeding. There's blood on my shirt, blood on the cabinet, and blood on him. Good news - hemoglobin is perfect!

Height - 4'1" (96th percentile)
Weight - 57lb 3.2oz (92nd percentile)

Height - 31.5" (93rd percentile)
Weight - 28lb 6oz (99th percentile)
Head - 19" (94th percentile)


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