Thursday, February 16, 2023


Get your mammograms!!  

I was not looking forward to it last year when I turned 40. I heard nothing but horror stories. Turns out, it isn’t *that* bad. The alternative is worse. 

I went for my mammogram today. Ultimately, I ended up with good news, but I was anxious/worried leading up to, and during, my appointment.  

My history:

January ‘22 - screening mammo showed an asymmetry in my left breast. This is fairly common but required a diagnostic mammo. 

February ‘22 - diagnostic mammo showed the spot was likely benign but follow up needed in 6mo. 

August ‘22 - diagnostic mammo showed again that the spot was likely benign but follow up needed in 6mo. 

January ‘23 - I had my annual exam with my GYN. He suggested seeing a breast specialist since my BIRAD score was a 3 both times during my diagnostic mammos. 

February ‘23 (today) - I had the diagnostic mammo done. Was called back in for additional views of my right breast. Ended up needing an ultrasound of my right breast too. I was becoming anxious because there was no concern with my right breast last year. I was sent over to the breast specialist and after reviewing my images, doing an exam, and running my risk profile, she concluded I could go back to annual screening mammos!! My BIRAD score dropped to a 2! The spot on the left breast decreased slightly and the spot on my right breast is a benign cyst and is normal as we age. My risk of developing breast cancer is average (12.8%). Over 20% is considered high risk. 

Get your mammograms!!!!

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