Sunday, September 18, 2016

Saturday Shenanigans

Saturday was a busy day for me and Zuri. Before our day got going, William and I played with Snapchat. :o)
Julie and LB came by to pick us up. LB wanted to hold William. After I sat him on LB's lap, LB said he was too heavy and to get him. Ha!
Aunt Julie is fun!
Zuri and I had lunch with Junie, Julie, LB, Sammie, Samantha, and Emily. Sammie and the girls had never been. They enjoyed it!  We had a good time. 
After lunch, we went to the mall. First, we had to throw pennies in the fountain. 
After shopping, we went home for a bit.  We stopped by next door and Zuri acted like she was Santa. She told Brandon to sit on her lap and tell her what he wanted. Haha!!
Last stop, Tony's for a cookout. Zuri and Abbie had fun. Asher too!
Zuri tried blowing out the fire. Ummmm. 
Wavie caught his marshmellow on fire and the girls freaked!
Just roasting away. 
Nom nom nom. 

We got home and went to bed. We were tired!

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