Monday, September 12, 2016

Steve's in Town!

My cousin, Steve, is back in town this week before he heads off to backpack in Southeast Asia for about 6 months!  This was his first time meeting William. 
Zuri kept making goofy faces....
More...Steve joined too
And more...Steve gave up on a normal pic, I think. ;o)
Finally!  Too bad William wasn't looking. 
William was all smiles just before bed. 
Zuri didn't want Steve to go. She wanted to go with Asia. Haha!
So sweet. 
Bye Zuri. 
She was not a happy camper when I made her get out of the truck and come inside!

It was great seeing Steve again. We had fun hanging out. Safe travels around Southeast Asia, Steve!

For fun, here's a pic from the last time we saw Steve. Christmastime 2014.

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