Saturday, April 22, 2017

Fiddler on the Roof

Zuri had a great time at the Fiddler on the Roof musical tonight at Perry Meridian High School. Thanks to Angie Hoover, we were in the front row!  During the intermission, Zuri bought a flower for Zach. She insisted on using her own money. 😊 At the end, Zuri clapped so much louder when Zach too his bow. I think someone has a little crush. 😉 A little crush on the same kid I babysat when he was 3. #waytomakemefeelold


Guess who scored a goal during her soccer game today?!  ⚽️⚽️⚽️. Thanks, Aunt Julie Woodall and Uncle Eric Woodall for coming to watch (and Julie for taking William to her house to stay warm!). 

It was a tad cold... 
William really wants to play!  

Friday, April 21, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

Soccer Practice....Finally!

Soccer practice kept getting cancelled.  We finally had practice today!!  :o)

Driver's License

Zuri went with me to school to pick up a book someone is letting me borrow. Afterwards, we went to eat at Texas Roadhouse. Papaw John and Grandma Andrea joined us. It was a long wait and by the time we left, Zuri and I were both tired. 

On the way home, this convo took place:

Me: I'm so tired. Zuri, why didn't you drive home so I could sleep?
Zuri: Hello!  I don't have my license. 
Me: Well, why not?
Zuri: Because I'm not 16!
Me: Why aren't you 16?
Zuri: Because I was born in 2011, not 2001.
Me: Why weren't you born in 2001? (thinking to myself, "how'd she know you'd have to be born in 2001 to be 16?!")
Zuri: Because you and daddy hadn't met. 
Me: That's correct. Guess I'll just keep driving. 

She's so smart. :o)

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

First Swim of the Year!

Zuri was so excited that it was nice out today.  She really really wanted to swim next door so we did!  Water was freezing so only Brent and Zuri got in.  William and I sat on the edge and put our feet in.  :o)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter and hope everyone else did too!  Kids woke up at 6:30 and wanted to hunt for eggs immediately.  :o)

Zuri wanted to make cookies to sell.  She called Aunt Julie and told her and Aunt Julie said if she decorated one with her name on it, she would give Zuri $5.  Later, she said if she did 2, then she would get $10.  Zuri said, "What if I do 3 of them?!"  ha!  Zuri worked very hard to get Julie's name on the cookies.  It wasn't easy since the cookies weren't very big.  She did it though!

William got some Easter money too!

Later in the afternoon, we went to see Olivia at Karen's mom's house.  Kids had a blast, of course.  Zuri even became interested in a new hobby: crocheting.

William loved getting swung around by Uncle Eric and Aunt Karen.  :o)

Zuri loves Oliva!

Zuri saw all the yarn at Joan's and asked about it.  Joan started to show her how to crochet.  Zuri was very interested!  Joan gave her some yarn and hook to borrow and practice at home. 

Happy Easter!!!!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

First Soccer Game!

Zuri had her first soccer game today!  Her team did great!  Grandma and Grandpa Schulz came to watch her too.

Pictures before the game!

William wanted to play!

Raeleigh and Zuri waiting their turn to play again.

Action shot!

Team huddle at the end.

S-U-N, Sun!!!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Bikes and Dolls

We were working on teaching Zuri to ride her bike with no training wheels today and found her very first bike.  William was fascinated by it and wanted on it.  Isn't he so cute?!  :o)

Grandma and Grandpa Schulz came by and brought a surprise for Zuri.  She has been asking for this doll for months now.  Joey was made by Grandma Schulz about 30 years ago.  They told Zuri she could have him when she turned 6.  She loves Joey.  :o)

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Family Gathering

We had a get together at Uncle Gary's on April Fool's Day and the kids had a blast!

William loves Uncle Eric.

Zuri loves riding the 4 wheeler.  :o)

Aunt Tina with Samantha, Emily, and Zuri.

William sitting on the 4 wheeler with Papaw John.  He thought he was hot stuff!