Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter and hope everyone else did too!  Kids woke up at 6:30 and wanted to hunt for eggs immediately.  :o)

Zuri wanted to make cookies to sell.  She called Aunt Julie and told her and Aunt Julie said if she decorated one with her name on it, she would give Zuri $5.  Later, she said if she did 2, then she would get $10.  Zuri said, "What if I do 3 of them?!"  ha!  Zuri worked very hard to get Julie's name on the cookies.  It wasn't easy since the cookies weren't very big.  She did it though!

William got some Easter money too!

Later in the afternoon, we went to see Olivia at Karen's mom's house.  Kids had a blast, of course.  Zuri even became interested in a new hobby: crocheting.

William loved getting swung around by Uncle Eric and Aunt Karen.  :o)

Zuri loves Oliva!

Zuri saw all the yarn at Joan's and asked about it.  Joan started to show her how to crochet.  Zuri was very interested!  Joan gave her some yarn and hook to borrow and practice at home. 

Happy Easter!!!!

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