Friday, April 21, 2017

Driver's License

Zuri went with me to school to pick up a book someone is letting me borrow. Afterwards, we went to eat at Texas Roadhouse. Papaw John and Grandma Andrea joined us. It was a long wait and by the time we left, Zuri and I were both tired. 

On the way home, this convo took place:

Me: I'm so tired. Zuri, why didn't you drive home so I could sleep?
Zuri: Hello!  I don't have my license. 
Me: Well, why not?
Zuri: Because I'm not 16!
Me: Why aren't you 16?
Zuri: Because I was born in 2011, not 2001.
Me: Why weren't you born in 2001? (thinking to myself, "how'd she know you'd have to be born in 2001 to be 16?!")
Zuri: Because you and daddy hadn't met. 
Me: That's correct. Guess I'll just keep driving. 

She's so smart. :o)

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