Tuesday, May 24, 2016

First Day of Daycare and More!

Yesterday was William's first day at daycare. I was having a hard time so I decided Zuri and I would have a Mommy/Daughter day to keep my mind off things. 
Zuri wanted to photobomb William and his daycare essentials. 
William was all smiles when Zuri and I dropped him off. That helped me too!

After breakfast, Zuri and I went home and massaged each other's feet. 
We then went shopping and got our hair cut!
We had lunch and then picked up some LuLaRoe leggings from Mandy. When we went to see Aunt Karen at work, Zuri insisted on putting the leggings on right then!
Some more shopping and then we went home. She zonked!!

Zuri and I had a great day and William did great at daycare. We (okay, I) survived!

William woke up early enough this morning for snuggles with Daddy. :o)

Zuri looked so grown up when we got to her school. Where did my baby go?

Tonight, we gave Brent his Father's Day gift. He is going next Wednesday after Zuri's Pre-K graduation for a spa day.  I hope he enjoys it!!

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