Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Weekend Recap

We had a mommy/daughter/son day Friday.  We hung out in the morning and then met my friend did lunch. 
After lunch, we went home for a bit and then went down to Uncle Gary's to clean up for Tony's surprise 40th birthday party. Zuri relaxed on the hammock and wrote in her journal. 

Saturday was Tony's surprise party. He was truly surprised! It was great!

Kyle finally held William and was thrilled. ;)
Aunt Julie and William. 
Zuri had her first swim lesson Saturday so she and daddy made it to the party later. 

William loves Scout. Here he was with Scout Sunday morning during breakfast. 
Here's Daddy and Zuri at dinner. 

Zuri and William Monday morning. Aren't they adorable?!
Zuri had a dentist appointment Monday morning. On the way in, she said, "I love the dentist."  She had a great checkup. No cavities and the dentist was surprised to see her with 2 adult teeth and her top 6 year molars coming in already. She's growing way too fast!
William was all smiles while we hung out before my surgery. 
Zuri had a soccer play day at school Monday. She had fun!
My Monday afternoon consisted of surgery to remove kidney stones. I hate having IVs in my hand. It hurt!!  The surgery went well. I'm still cramping and in some pain, but doing well. 

Zuri stayed with Julie because I knew I wouldn't feel like driving this morning. 
Brent stayed home to take care of William for me. William and I snuggled while Daddy made his bottle. :)
After dinner tonight, Zuri came out of her room in this get up. She said she was a bridesmaid, not a bride. I told her either way, she is beautiful. :)


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