Monday, July 4, 2016

Holiday Weekend

My work was closed Friday so I let Zuri stay home with me. We went with Aunt Julie down to visit Uncle Butch. Zuri enjoys hanging out with Samantha and Emily.  Here they are eating breakfast together. So cute!
After lunch, Zuri hung out with Aunt Julie while I took William to his 4 month checkup. When we all got home, Grandma and Grandpa Schulz came by. William was pretty fussy from his vaccinations but we still had a good time. 

Saturday, Brent and I took Zuri to the drive-in and to see fireworks in Shelbyville.  Aunt Brandii watched William for us and then Papaw John took over a couple hours later. :o) 

Zuri and I wore our LuLaRoe Americana leggings!
Ready to go!
Popcorn, anyone?
Zuri met a puppy she wanted to take home. I have to admit, he was pretty cute. 
We ran into our cousins, Hayes and Nash.
Zuri got comfy in the back of the MDX. 
Finding Dory. It was a good movie - what I got to see of it!  Zuri had to go to the bathroom a couple times. 
After Finding Dory, it was time for fireworks!  We didn't get home until 12:30, but it was worth it. Zuri had a good time.

Zuri asked us yesterday if her cousin, Claire, could spend the night. After lunch with the McCardles, Claire came over. The girls love William. They were fighting over who would get to hold him. :o)
The girls had fun. They are wild and crazy and make me laugh!  
We went to the store and bought matching dresses for the girls. They enjoyed being twinsies!!

William tried baby cereal this morning. He liked it better than the carrots. He still isn't 100% sure about it. We aren't going to force it since the doctor said we are okay not doing it at all. 

We had lunch with Grandma Newbold, Aunt Julie, and Aunt Brandii for Grandma's birthday.  Claire went home after that and after she went home, the kids and I took a nap! 
After our nap, Zuri and I played around with Snapchat!

We had a fun filled weekend and had a great Fourth of July!  We hope everyone else did too.

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