Sunday, July 24, 2016

This and That

Zuri had her final gymnastics class of the summer on Thursday. She and Halle were paired up during class.  I'm not sure if that was good or bad. LOL

Zuri is always trying to pick people up. 
Halle telling Zuri a secret. 

After gymnastics, Zuri and I met Papaw John and Grandma Andrea for dinner. Zuri wanted to ride Papaw's motorcycle. She needs a helmet her size!

Saturday morning, Zuri went shopping with Aunt Julie. 
While they shopped, we went to lunch with William. He said he was tired of the bottle and wanted a chip. ;o) (Don't worry, I didn't let him get it anywhere close to his mouth!)

This morning, Zuri tried on some of her new school clothes.  I can't believe she starts Kindergarten this Friday!!

We went to Grandma and Grandpa Schulz' new place and then lunch today. After lunch, Grandma and I went shopping. When we got home, we saw this. 

We stayed a few hours. Zuri found a new doll she wanted to take home. His name is Joey. She told Grandma that Joey's face felt like glass. It's porcelain. Grandma explained that she needed to be very careful. Zuri did pretty good, but when she asked to take him home, I quickly said no!  Our luck, she'd drop him as soon as we walked through the door!!

Both kids got new clothes today. William wore one pair of his new PJs to bed. He's in 9mo clothes now (he will be 5mo next Friday)!

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