Tuesday, July 12, 2016

New Mom and Dad

Aunt Junie stopped by tonight. Zuri asked her if she could live with her.  Junie said yes so Zuri said she was going to pack her bag. Junie, Brent, and I keep talking and next thing we know, Zuri comes in with her bag. She had several clothes, her iPad, and some Barbies packed. She wouldn't let up. She wanted to go with Junie. Zuri says it's boring at our house and Junie's house has stairs.  Do you know how long she's been wanting a house with stairs?  51 years!  ;o) I asked how she would get to school and she said since Junie lives in Greenwood and her school is in Greenwood, they could walk to school. Ha!

Zuri said Dave and Junie can be her new mom and dad. She said she would come visit us though. 

We compromised and said she could spend the night with Junie Friday. 

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