Sunday, August 7, 2016

Mommy/Daddy/Zuri Night

Brent and I took Zuri out Saturday so she could have some time with just us. William stayed home with Haley (our newest sitter....she watches him in the nursery during church). 

We started the night with dinner at Cheesecake Factory. 
Then, we went to the movies to see The Secret Life of Pets. With about 20 minutes left, Zuri said she was tired and wanted to go home and go to bed. We reluctantly said okay. 
Once we walked outside, Zuri asked if we could make one more stop. She wanted a mall cookie (a/k/a Blondie's).  This was her night with us, so we went. 
She loves the rides at the mall....even though she is too tall for most of them. Ha!
We needed some shorts for school. Most of hers are too short (not for average 5 year olds, but since she's tall, they are shorter on her). We went to Justice. Brent loved it (insert sarcasm). Zuri and I found some fashion glasses and put them on for a family selfie. :o)
We found the cutest outfit meant really for schools with uniforms. Doesn't she look soooo cute though?!  She's wearing it tomorrow!  I may order a couple more outfits because they were only $20 total!
We went home after that and went to bed!  Zuri enjoyed her night with us and so did we. 

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