Sunday, August 14, 2016

Weekend Recap

Thursday night, William fell asleep while eating mashed potatoes again!  Brent and Zuri were next door swimming. :o)

Saturday morning, Zuri wanted me to make this toast from the book she checked out at the school library. She said it was delicious. 
We met Grandma and Papaw Schulz for lunch Saturday. Check out our little firefighters. 
When we got home, Brent and Zuri went to a pool party whole William and I hung out (it was close to William's bedtime). Look at his face. Is he not the cutest baby ever?!
And then there's his big sis. Beautiful. We will have our hands full. 

Drool, anyone?  This was after William's nap today. Haha!
I let Zuri climb in bed with him for a pic. So sweet!
We met Eric, Karen, and Trev our for lunch (breakfast for them!) for Trev's birthday. Zuri wouldn't let me get a good pic of her with him. She kept blocking him. lol

Back at it tomorrow. Zuri has a convocation at school tomorrow and will be able to hold a sloth, bearded dragon, and a blue tongued skink. Pics will be taken!

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