Tuesday, August 23, 2016

No Crying Over Spilled Milk!

On the way to school, Zuri was drinking her chocolate milk. At one of the stop lights, I heard Zuri gasp.  I asked what happened and she calmly said, "I spilled my milk."  I looked in the review mirror and it didn't seem to be much so I said no biggie and we will put water on it when we get to school. When we get to school and she gets out, I gasp. It was everywhere. On her brand new white shirt. Ahhhh. We had a spare shirt, thankfully. That problem was solved. Next problem, white shirt with chocolate milk having to sit all day before I can wash it. I stopped back by William's room and asked if there was any chance they could wash it. They said yes!!  When I picked the kids up, Ms. Tracy showed me the new and improved white shirt. She said she had to wash it a couple times, but finally got the stains out!  I love everyone at Greenwood Christian School!!

Check out the "damage."
Before and after of the front. 
Before and after of the back. 

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