Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Funday

Zuri put together the puzzle she got for Christmas from Aunt Penny and gang.  She had trouble at first and wanted to give up, but she kept on going and got it done!!
Being silly.  :o)

Eric and Karen came by for a visit.  They were getting ready to leave and Karen asked Zuri if she wanted to go with them.  Silly question!  Of course, she wanted to go with them.  She went to get her socks on and about 5 minutes later, she came out with gifts for Eric and Karen.  :o)
When we went to pick Zuri up, Eric showed him their Christmas tree.  William was fascinated by the Santa on the top.
Both kids fell asleep on the way home.  It's been a long weekend.  Back to work and school tomorrow!

He's Baaaaaack!!!

We put up our Christmas trees and decorations Friday.

After we did all that, Zuri left a note for Author, our elf.  She wrote, "Come Back Soon."  Little did she know, he had plans to return Friday night anyway.  :o)  The elf in the picture is her plush elf that she can touch; this elf does not have magic.
Zuri was so excited when she woke up Saturday and realized Author was back.  It took a couple hours before she realized it.  She was getting dressed and was looking at ornaments on her tree when she saw him.  She shrieked!  Author left her a note too.  She called Daddy and William into her room to show them (I was already in there).  She also had to tell Papaw as soon as he arrived!!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving (Part 2)!

Today was Thanksgiving, Part 2 for us.  First stop, Uncle Gary's.

Check out William's turkey bottom.  ;o)
Samantha loves William!  So does Emily; I just didn't get a picture of her holding him.
Amber and William.  Kyle with the photobomb.
Second stop, Uncle Jon's and Aunt Amanda's.

I love how William is looking at Thea in this picture.  Ha!  Lili and Thea love William!
Claire, Zuri, and I were being silly.
Zuri was showing Aunt Kari what she wants for Christmas.
Jon got out the VR for the PS4.  Zuri wanted to try it out.  She enjoyed it!!
Check out the video!
Brent also tried it out.  ha!!
Aunt Penny with some of the nieces and nephews.  :o)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving (Part 1)!

We had 2 places to go today.  First stop, Eric's and Karen's.

William and Zuri decided to wear their new Chuck Ragan gear.  I know Daddy was a happy camper about that!  :o)
William enjoyed wearing Tim's hat.  ha!
Post meal coma.
Zuri and William love Trevor and Madeline!
Next stop, Papaw John's.  Justice wasn't a fan of William sitting on Daddy's lap so she had to sit up there too.  ;o) 
Pretty sure William was thinking, "Oh man, is she really my sister, Papaw?"  ha!
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today was Daddy's birthday.  I didn't get a picture of the kids with Brent.  :o(

Here are the kiddos in the morning for their good morning picture for Daddy.
William had an ENT appointment on Daddy's birthday.  When I picked him up from daycare, he was asleep in Ms. Mollie's arms.  So sweet!  He slept the entire way to the ENT.  We will be scheduling tubes for the little guy.
After William's ENT appointment, we met Daddy and Zuri for dinner to celebrate.  Daddy got a Playstation Network subscription and some Grinch boxers.  ;o)

We love you, Daddy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Math Night

Zuri had a blast at math night!  She chose to do that over tumbling!  I was impressed by it all, but most impressive to me was Zuri's ability to answer addition problems so fast. First one was 5+4. Almost without hesitation, she answers, "9!"  She keeps says my she wants to work at mommy's work. She's on the right path!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day!!!

**Disclaimer: I am not saying who I voted for and am not saying good or bad about either candidate. I want to share how excited Zuri was to go with me to vote. She doesn't know anything about either candidate except their names and gender. πŸ’™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Convo this morning:

Me:  Zuri, do you want to go with me to vote?
Zuri:  Vote for who?
Me:  President, governor, and other positions. 
Zuri:  Like vote for Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, or Michelle Obama?
Me: Hmmm, nope. Sorry. The two main picks are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. 
Zuri:  Who was the last one?
Me: Hillary Clinton. 
Zuri:  I vote for him. 
Me:  He is a she. 
Zuri:  Oh! I vote for her!  Let me get my voting guide. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

The kids did a great job in line with me for 45 minutes to vote. We voted, did you?