Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Funday

Zuri put together the puzzle she got for Christmas from Aunt Penny and gang.  She had trouble at first and wanted to give up, but she kept on going and got it done!!
Being silly.  :o)

Eric and Karen came by for a visit.  They were getting ready to leave and Karen asked Zuri if she wanted to go with them.  Silly question!  Of course, she wanted to go with them.  She went to get her socks on and about 5 minutes later, she came out with gifts for Eric and Karen.  :o)
When we went to pick Zuri up, Eric showed him their Christmas tree.  William was fascinated by the Santa on the top.
Both kids fell asleep on the way home.  It's been a long weekend.  Back to work and school tomorrow!

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