Saturday, November 26, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving (Part 2)!

Today was Thanksgiving, Part 2 for us.  First stop, Uncle Gary's.

Check out William's turkey bottom.  ;o)
Samantha loves William!  So does Emily; I just didn't get a picture of her holding him.
Amber and William.  Kyle with the photobomb.
Second stop, Uncle Jon's and Aunt Amanda's.

I love how William is looking at Thea in this picture.  Ha!  Lili and Thea love William!
Claire, Zuri, and I were being silly.
Zuri was showing Aunt Kari what she wants for Christmas.
Jon got out the VR for the PS4.  Zuri wanted to try it out.  She enjoyed it!!
Check out the video!
Brent also tried it out.  ha!!
Aunt Penny with some of the nieces and nephews.  :o)

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