Monday, May 30, 2016

End of Maternity Leave

Today was my last day of maternity leave.  I have been off for 14 weeks.  It's bittersweet - I am ready to get back to work and be productive in that way, but I'm going to miss hanging out with William, being able to get some projects done around the house, and not being on a real schedule.  I know after a few days or so, we will be in a good routine and things will be great. :o)

We have had a great last few days.

Friday, I got a pedicure and manicure. I don't usually stray from red or pink, but since I was returning to work, I decided to go with what I like to call "Endress Blue."  :o)
We had dinner with Julie and Tina. Zuri insisted on going back to Julie's with her and Tina.  Tina had Zuri try on her shoes and she was able to walk in them no problem. Ignore her outfit and the gloves. Ha!

We hung out and napped Saturday morning before Zuri's swim lesson.  I love that they fell asleep in Zuri's bed. :)
Daddy was playing around with William and his glasses. :o)
After swim lessons, Aunt Julie came over to watch the kids so Mommy and Daddy could have a date night down in Bloomington. 
Eric, Karen, JoAnna, and Olivia came by while we were gone. Here's Zuri with Olivia. 

Sunday morning, during breakfast, Zuri came in like this and said she was ready for Max's party. He's moving to Poland and we attended his "see you later" party. Zuri is going to miss Max. 

William turned 3 months on Sunday. He's getting so big!!!

Sunday night, we saw our cousins from Alabama. Here's Zuri with Emersyn. Cuties!!

Today, we only had a cookout planned. We did end up going to Julie's to see our cousins (Nick, Nikki, Eli, and Emersyn) before they left. 

William is ready to play baseball!

Eli and Zuri.
Eli loves William!!
Em does too!

Aunt Brandii came over to take William's 3 month pictures. Zuri decided to play photographer.  :o)

We had fun at the cookout.  Everyone got to hold William. Here's Madeline with him. So sweet!

While Mommy and Daddy were in Bloomington, we bought Zuri a Lil' Bubs shirt. It's big, but makes a nice nightgown.

The kids are in bed and time for me to head that way. Tomorrow will be a long day. Back to work and I have to immediately go to class after work. 

Here are some sneak peeks from the photo shoot. ;o)

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