Tuesday, May 3, 2016

William's Birth Story

Since this blog was started after William was born, I didn't have a chance to tell his birth story.  I will do that now and will give a synopsis of how the past 9 and a half weeks have gone.  If you are my Facebook friend, you probably know all of this already.  :o)

I was scheduled for a c-section at noon on Leap Day which was a Monday.  On Sunday night, at 7pm, Dr. Szentes called me to tell me to stop eating because I was bumped up to 8am!  I instantly became nervous and anxious.  We would soon become a family of four.

My last weekly belly bump picture (39 weeks exactly)!

Brent, Zuri, and I arrived at the hospital at 6am to get ready to welcome the newest addition to our family!  Here are our last pictures as a family of three.

Zuri stayed with Papaw John, Grandma & Grandpa Schulz, and Aunt Brandii while Brent and I went back to the operating room.  Dr. Szentes began the c-section at 8:00am and William was born at 8:16am!  He weighed 8lbs 14.5oz, was 21in long, and his head circumference was 14in.

William had some breathing problems so the nurses put him on my chest for some skin to skin to try and help.  After about 10 minutes, they weren't happy with his breathing so he went into the Special Care Nursery (Community's version of the NICU).  He was in there until around 1:00pm.

Brent was able to go visit him in the Special Care Nursery and take this picture for me.  It was difficult to see him so vulnerable, but I was also thankful that it wasn't something more serious.
Zuri wasn't allowed back in the Special Care Nursery so she looked through the window.  Dr. Szentes stopped by as well.
When William was finally able to come back to the room, we got our first picture as a family of four!
Brent went home with Zuri Monday night.  Our nurse, Rebekah, took William for me at 11pm so I could get some rest before his next feeding.  When she came in at 1am, she didn't have William with her.  I asked what was going on and she said the pediatrician didn't like how he was breathing still so she admitted him for observation.  Throughout the night, his sugars became too low (I had gestational diabetes) so he ended up being in there until around 8pm Tuesday evening.  Brent and I were able to go back to see him and hold him.  Again, it was tough to see him like that, but he was still so stinking cute.
Due to being lip tied and tongue tied, William had a frenotomy performed on Wednesday.  He did well with that.  We decided to wait to do the circumcision on Thursday to give him time to recover from being in the Special Care Nursery and having the frenotomy.  On Thursday morning, the nurse brought William in with a surprise from the nurse we had Monday and Tuesday.  Rebekah had knitted William a frog hat since he was a Leap Day Baby and she said he was her little buddy.  :o)
A couple hours after William's circumcision, we were able to go home!

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