Saturday, April 30, 2016

William Turns 2 Months!

I cannot believe our sweet little William is already 2 months old.  Why does time go by so fast?  William's 2 month checkup is on Wednesday so we will have his stats at that time.  I did try to estimate his weight and I would guess him to be about 13 pounds!!  He's our chunky monkey.  :o)  Zuri has done so well with him!  She really loves him.....even when he is crying....I think.  HA!

There are two things I have realized with having my second child. 

First, I do love him just as much as Zuri.  I wondered before we ever got pregnant how I could love another child as much as I love Zuri.  I even wondered during my pregnancy.  As soon as William was born, all the worries about not loving him as much were out the door.  It's as though my heart doubled in size that moment. 

Second, I am very lax in several things that I wasn't with Zuri.  I still don't have hand sanitizer in the diaper bag and with Zuri, I had people douse themselves in sanitizer.  I let Zuri hold William by herself and I would have never let a 5 year old hold Zuri without assistance!  I let William have an overnight stay before he was 2 months old and Zuri was 2 before her first overnight stay.  There's more, but you get the gist.  ;o)

We are so in love with William and can't wait to see him grow and learn just like we did (and continue to do) with Zuri.

Here are some photos from William's monthly photo shoot!

For fun, here's a comparison of Zuri and William.  :o)

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