Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Taco Tuesday

William helped me wake Zuri up this morning.  She was much easier to wake with him there. :o) She wanted William to lay next to her. She hugged him, kissed him, and played peek a boo with him. I love watching her with him!

After we all got ready, we took Zuri to school and then William and I hung out at home before our lunch date with Jed (my colleague and friend). Jed bought us the cutest swaddle blanket and booties for my sprinkle so I had to put them on William for a picture since we were meeting Jed. 

Our little tortilla baby!
Check out those taco booties!

Jed chose this because of our mutual love of Mexican food, particularly Puerto Vallarta near work (that's where we met for lunch today). 

Here is Jed holding William. 

Zuri has been showing of her poses a lot lately. She always asks me to take a picture. Here's her pose before going to Gannon's birthday party tonight. 

Brent is coming down with something so he stayed home and the kids and I went to the party. 

Guess what was for dinner.....tacos!!  :o)

Grandma Jan met William for the first time tonight!
Mason got to hold William and, of course, Zuri had to be in the picture!
Papaw with William and Zuri. 
I love this picture. :o)
Zuri loves her bubby. 
I love how William is holding on to the blanket. I feel like he must be thinking she may drop him and the blanket will save him. Ha!
Addison also held William. Marleigh photo bombed her. lol

We had a great Tuesday and hope everyone else did as well!

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