Monday, April 18, 2016

Manic Monday

William was all smiles this morning while we were waking Zuri up. She wasn't so thrilled. Ha!

After a few minutes, and after getting dressed, Zuri was all smiles too!  William wasn't sure what to think. 

I guess William didn't want me feeding him at lunch so he decided to hold his own bottle. That didn't last too long. He must have decided it was too much work. ;o)

After William ate, we met my co-workers out for lunch.  Here he is with Marina. :o)

Nap time after lunch.

Tonight was Zuri's rehearsal at Center Grove High School. She is a ham!

We stopped at Chris' and Nicole's before the rehearsal to return Hayden's iPad. Zuri and Halle wanted to say hi which turned into going inside to play and be super silly!
Hayden must think the girls are crazy!
He is right!!  :o)

When we arrived at the school, we saw Aunt Amanda and Claire. So cute!

Happy Monday, everyone!

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