Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sleepovers and Surgery

I had surgery today so the kids spent the night at other places last night.  This was William's first sleepover - he is 8 weeks old!  

William spent the night with Aunt Amanda, Uncle Jon, Jack, and Claire. Aunt Amanda watched him today. :o)

They're ready!!

Aunt Amanda sent me this picture before I went back to the operating room this morning. William was all smiles for her!

Zuri spent the night with the Johnsons (Chris, Nikki, Hayden, and Halle).  Nikki watched Zuri today and she played with Halle.

The girls were excited for the sleepover!

Anyone who knows Brent knows how overprotective he is. Chris sent us this picture and said he put the girls to work and no one had cut a finger off yet. Haha!  Don't worry, they didn't turn the tools on at all and Chris was right there!

The kids had fun today and I am grateful for everyone's help last night and today. While the kids played (or snuggled in William's case), I was doing this -- Brent took this when he was allowed back in recovery. 

When I got home, I slept some more. Brent picked the kids up around 4. We all snuggled in bed for a bit before dinner.  I was happy to see them both!  Zuri was happy too, don't mind the look on her face. She was watching Jesse. ;o)

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