Sunday, April 10, 2016

Weekend Fun

We started the weekend with a little attitude from William on Friday. ;o) I started taking pictures when he had the peace sign going and then he flipped me the bird in the middle of taking pictures!
When it was time to get dressed, William wanted to sport the new onesie from Aunt Brandii (she knows Daddy is a Purdue fan). 

Friday night, the kids and I met a friend at Starbucks. Zuri asked her about her oils. Heidi started explaining them to her and letting her smell them. Zuri was VERY into this. Heidi told her she teaches people about the oils so Zuri said she was going to teach too. 

Sure enough, on Saturday morning, she started teaching Daddy about oils. :o)

Daddy dressed William. 

Saturday afternoon, Zuri and I visited Grandma Newbold before going to Alana's birthday party.  Daddy and William stayed home and hung out.  I forgot to take pictures at Grandma's. :o(

Zuri and Alana.
Zuri and Raeleigh being silly on the slide!
Cuties!  I am so excited for them be in Kindergarten at Greenwood Christian together!

After the birthday party, we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz. We went to Nashville for Big Woods Pizza. Zuri loves playing with dough there. 
Daddy and our little Super William!
Zuri also loves the Jenga game outside. She had to rebuild it a couple times. ;o)

Today, Zuri put on a dress and veil for her wedding. 

Uncle Randy and Aunt Tammy came by to visit. Zuri always has fun when they come by!

While I went to the store, Zuri wrote this and taped it on her door. It says, "No visitors in my room. I'm super sad. Zuri."  She was sad because I said she couldn't play with her toys. 

She quickly got over it when I told her she could go to my friend's with me.  She warmed up to Mandy and Brian in no time. In fact, she said she is moving in with them. She wouldn't let up about that!  Haha!

When I finally got her to leave, we went to dinner.  This was her face when I told her we were heading home because Karen and Eric were coming by with a gift from Karen's trip to Vegas. Ha!!

Zuri loves her stuffed animal from Vegas. William's onesie is cute too! (No pics...)

We had a fun weekend for sure!

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