Sunday, May 22, 2016

This and That

Saturday was jam packed. We stopped at a lemonade stand - all proceeds went to help a classmate of Brent's who has cancer. While there, we ran into Shelby, Reece, and Vance. Reece loves us.....really, he does!!

Next up, swim lesson at the YMCA. Such a diva!!

After swim lesson, we went to Nick's college graduation open house. Zuri swam until her lips turned blue. Here she is with Lili. She loves Lili and Sunny!  She ended up spending the night with them. :o)
William also enjoyed being outside!

Today after church, the kids stayed with Eric and Karen while I went to the store.  Aren't they adorable?! 

William starts daycare tomorrow. Zuri and I will have a mommy/daughter day. That should help me get through his first day!

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