Sunday, January 8, 2023

Brunch, Bargains, & Brows......Oh My!

We had brunch with Tony, Shelly, and Bree today since Bree was up from Kentucky.  William ate more than I've seen him eat in awhile!  Bree will be a momma before we know it so we are soaking up as much time with her as we can while she is here.  This Saturday is her baby shower in Indiana and we can't wait to shower her and baby Lennan with gifts!
William, Zuri, & Bree
After brunch, we went to the Dick's Sporting Goods Outlet store in Greenwood.  We found quite a bit of stuff.  Way too much stuff!  Andy and Zayne met up with us there and as we were leaving, the kids decided to be mannequins.  
William, Zuri, & Zayne
After Dick's Sporting Goods, William went to Zayne's to play for awhile.  Brent, Zuri, and I went grocery shopping and then home to do laundry and watch football.  While Brent was watching football, Zuri put some gel on his eyebrows.  This gel is tinted so now it looks like he had his eyebrows tinted.  Wonder if it will wash out.....
Just like at a spa...
Only his right eyebrow had been completed at this point.
All done!

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