Friday, January 13, 2023

Fancy Like

I am going to California for work in a week and with Brent having worked a 12+ hour day today, I decided to pick the kids up from school today.  Doesn't seem like a big deal to me, but the kids love when I do that!  I had calls to take the entire time I was in car line.  The kids were good about staying quiet so I could talk.  My colleagues said hi to them and told them how cool I am. 😎  William believed it; Zuri, not so much (typical preteen).

Once home, the kids did homework and then played Roblox.  I sat on the couch and worked.  Luna laid next to me for awhile.
Brent made it home around 6:30 tonight so we decided to have an impromptu date night and go grab dinner at our local pub, The Crowbar.  We had good food and drinks.  This wasn't a fancy date night like last week, but this is more representative of what our date nights look like. I was in my best sweats and hoodie and Brent was in his work clothes.  We're fancy like that. 😉
Now it's time to gear up for the weekend's festivities: baby shower for Bree and a swim meet for William!

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