Saturday, January 14, 2023

Celebrating Baby Lennan

Today we celebrated my cousin, Breeanna, and her baby boy, Lennan.  I still remember when I would babysit Bree.  How is she having her own baby?!  Her husband, Austin, is in the Marines and in Japan for training so she is back home to have the baby.  Home being Kentucky, but her baby shower was in Indiana.  We enjoyed food, games (Zuri and I won the Baby Bingo game!), and watching Bree open her gifts.  Lennan will be here before we know it and I cannot wait!!

Cute table decor

More cute table decor

Cupcakes were delish!

Tony with his daughter, Bree.

Me and Tony

Me and Z

Z, Bree, and me!

Bree and me

Tony and Bree

My and Zuri's prize from the Bingo game plus popcorn and kisses.

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