Thursday, June 23, 2016

Contracts and Chores

Zuri signed her first "contract" today.  She had to sign a form stating she will not intentionally Google inappropriate websites at school. :o)

During dinner tonight, Zuri and I discussed chores. She decided she would do the following chores: 1) clean her room; 2) do laundry; 3) empty trash; and 4) clean the cat litter. I asked her how much she thought she should get for all that. She asked how much I had. Ha!  I told her to give me an amount and we would discuss. She then said $10.  Once we got home, she wrote out her chores so she can keep track. She wrote how much each is worth (total is more than the $10 she said earlier!).  $20 for cleaning her room, $2 for laundry, $10 for trash, and $15 for litter. Haha!

She wanted to start tonight. Brent had just emptied trash and cleaned the litter last night.  Her room is a hot mess so there wasn't time to start that. I had some laundry to fold so she did that!

Afterwards, she asked where her cash was. She said I could give her 2 quarters or just "whatever you can do."  She got 50 cents out of me.  :o)

We will see how this shakes out.  Stay tuned!

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