Sunday, June 5, 2016

Weekend Recap

Friday was Zuri's last day at Honey Grove. We are going to miss everyone.  :o(

Here's Zuri with Ms. Cassie. 

Saturday was jam packed. 

Swim lesson at 11:30.

Two open houses at 1pm.  We went to Anthony's first and then Quentin's. 

Papaw John and William.

Zuri and Sidney riding the 4-wheeler (Papaw John controls the speed and can turn it off with a remote). 

Grandma Newbold and William. 

Zuri left Anthony's open house with Eric, Karen, and Trev. William went with us to Q's open house. William became fussy so he and I left. Brent had plans with Ralph and his family anyway. Once we were home, William was okay.....for a bit. 

Eric and Karen brought Zuri home and she decided she wanted to spend the night with them. They had plans though. Lili did too.  Julie was going to pick her up, but Zuri decided to stay home (after crying for what seemed like forever). She watched TV while I got William to bed. We were in my room watching TV when she asked me (in her "poor me" voice) if she could have a sleepover with me in my room.  I said okay. :o)

This morning, the kids and I went to breakfast before church. We ran into Andy, Anne, Bri, Zayne, and Anne's parents. 

After church, we came home. Brent and William took a quick nap. Brent never naps, but he has a nasty cold.

We tried our first non-family sitter this afternoon. Kaitlin is going to watch the kids the week of July 4th for us so we wanted a "trial run" so to speak. Zuri loved her and William was all smiles with her when we got home. 

Grandma and grandpa Schulz came by for dinner.  :o)

We had a fun weekend!

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