Sunday, June 12, 2016

Weekend Recap

I received a call from Zuri's school (summer camp) Thursday just after lunch telling me she fell at the skating rink and complained of her arm hurting. I picked her up and took her to the doctor. Thankfully, everything was okay - a slight sprain, but no broken bones. Zuri was able to go to her first gymnastics class with her friend Halle. :o)

I love how Zuri wants to snuggle with William every morning. This was on Friday morning. 
After work, Zuri and Daddy went swimming for 3 hours!  William and Mommy hung out at home. 

I took Zuri to her swim lesson Saturday because William and Daddy didn't feel the best. After swim lesson, we went to Ella's Frozen Yogurt.  Zuri went to her friend's birthday party there on Thursday and loved the cake batter flavor. That's what she got Saturday too....and a chocolate covered Rice Krispies treat we are sharing that is still in the fridge!  :o)
More sibling snuggles. 
Saturday night, Zuri spent the night with Tony and Breeanna. They ended up at the Our Lady of Greenwood festival. Zuri had a blast!

This morning, William and I went with Eric and Karen to visit Uncle Butch.  I am not sure if I have mentioned it on here, but Butch was diagnosed with lung cancer back in mid February. He's been doing chemo and radiation ever since - he has had some complications and other areas of concern too. He has a PET Scan Thursday and a brain MRI.  The doctors think the cancer has spread to his neck now. :o( Seeing William cheered him up for today at least.
After visiting with Uncle Butch, we picked Zuri up (she was swimming with Tony and Breeanna) and then picked a Daddy up and went to Bri's recital at Center Grove High School. She did a fantastic job!
Once we got home, we all rested by either napping or watching a movie. :o)
During dinner, Zuri sent Olivia this Snapchat. So sweet looking. Don't let this fool ya. Hahaha!

Have a great night!

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