Monday, June 6, 2016

First Day

Today was Zuri's first day at Greenwood Christian School. She's in summer camp before school starts in August. She has been excited to go so I figured drop off wouldn't be an issue. After we took William to his room, Zuri was ready to get to her room!  We got in there and she opened her lunch box to get breakfast out. I hugged her and said bye and then she became clingy. The teachers started talking to her and I was able to leave. I wondered how she was and almost asked my friend to text me after she dropped her kids off.  Turns out I didn't have to ask her. She sent me a text to let me know Zuri was greeting people at the door and telling everyone today was her first day!  She also told Rachael she was having fun already.  :o)

After camp, Rachael sent me a text to tell me that Raeleigh said Zuri was playing with a boy today and he kept hugging her. Rachael thinks Zuri has a boyfriend already on day 1.  I need to meet this kid. ;o)

Here are some pictures. 

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